Tour – Greece III – Athens Flying Week – September 2025 – 4Aviation

Tour - Greece III

Athens Flying Week – September 2025


We are returning to the Athens Flying Week ( for a tour to this great show. A wonderful opportunity to see a lot of different types operational within the Hellenic Forces. The show wil be held at Tanagra Airbase on 6 and 7 September 2025. We will make a tour to Greece to enjoy Greece hospitality. We are planning to include the arrivals in the days leading up to the show and the departure day on the Monday afterwards.

The report of our previous tours can be found here: 2018, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Tour status

  • Open for booking

    Book a seat on this tour by reading the details below and by clicking ´Book´ after that.

Intensity level


For existing customers:

€ 35,-


The itinerary that follows is to be considered as preliminary.

On Wednesday 3 September we will fly to Athens and return to the Netherlands on Tuesday 9 September 2025.

The plan at this moment is as follows:

  • Wednesday 3 September 2025: Travel to Greece
  • Thursday 4 September 2025: visit the Athens Flying Week
  • Friday 5 September 2025: visit the Athens Flying Week
  • Saturday 6 September 2025: visit the Athens Flying Week
  • Sunday 7 September 2025: visit the Athens Flying Week
  • Monday 8 September 2025: visit the Athens Flying Week
  • Tuesday 9 September 2025: travel back to The Netherlands

Tour cost

Price for this tour is € 1599,- per person. This price includes:

  • Flight from The Netherlands to Greece
  • Flight from Greece to The Netherlands
  • Hotel accommodation (middle class hotels, twin share room basis, two beds and ensuite bathroom)
  • All transportation in Greece
  • Expensive entry tickets to the Grandstand
  • € 9,- contribution to GGTO

You can also book this tour without the airline tickets. In that case you will have to take care of the transportation to and from Greece. The price for the tour without airline tickets is € 1239,- per person. The single-room supplement for this tour is € 375,-.

Not included:

  • individual travel insurance
  • all meals
  • all personal expenditures

Insurances (Dutch conditions apply)

It is possible to arrange a travel and/or cancellation insurance via 4Aviation. We can only offer these insurances to residents of The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

Insurance is provided by a.s.r. and Allianz Global Assistance. We mediate in insurance policies and receive commission from a.s.r. and Allianz Global Assistance. Their complaints handling can be found here: a.s.r. and Allianz.

Note: prices and insurance tax are subject to (governmental) changes.

Dutch only; personenhulp + bagage + geneeskundige kosten + ongevallen + reisrechtsbijstand

Insurance Product Information Document:

(€ 2,10 per person per day in Europe, € 3,25 per person per day World coverage + € 3,50 costs)

Insurance Product Information Document:

(5,5% of the tour cost plus € 3,50 costs and 21,0% insurance tax)

Covers 75% of the tour cost, also when an event is cancelled for instance

Insurance Product Information Document:

(7,0% of the tour cost plus € 3,50 costs and 21,0% insurance tax)

  • Book

    To join this tour complete the form below.

After application you will be sent a confirmation and an invoice. As soon as your payment is registered you will receive a confirmation by E-mail. The list of people joining the tour is determined by the date the payment is received. By paying you agree to the terms.

The combination of travel services offered to you is a package within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302. Therefore, you will benefit from all EU rights applying to packages. 4Aviation will be fully responsible for the proper performance of the package as a whole.

Additionally, as required by law, 4Aviation has protection in place to refund your payments and, where transport is included in the package, to ensure your repatriation in the event that it becomes insolvent.

More information on key rights under Directive (EU) 2015/2302.

    Tour you want to book (*)

    First name(s) (*)

    Last name (*)

    Address (*)

    Date of birth (*)

    Place of birth (*)

    Passport number (*)

    Telephone number (preferably mobile) (*)

    E-mail (*)

    Scan or photo passport (mask your personal ID number)

    Options (*)

    Roommate (if applicable)

    Insurances (*)

    Have you, or has one of the persons that you want covered by the insurance, been involved in insurance fraud or intentional deception of a financial institution in the past eight years?

    Have you, or has one of the persons that you want covered by the insurance, in the past eight years been suspected or convicted of an offence?

    I agree with digital transmission of the policy, terms & conditions and the Insurance Product Information Document associated with the requested insurance(s).

    Have you, or has one of the persons that you want covered by the insurance, filed two or more claims for a travel of cancellation insurance in the past two years?

    Have you, or has one of the persons that you want covered by the insurance, had an insurance being denied or cancelled by an insurer in the past eight years? Or, has an insurance only been accepted or continued after increasing the premiums or excluding situations?

    I agree with digital transmission of the policy, terms & conditions and the Insurance Product Information Document associated with the requested insurance(s).