United Kingdom 2025
The large international exercise Cobra Warrior usually attracts very interesting visitors and the 25/2 edition was no exception. At the English base RAF Waddington half a dozen F-15SAs of the Saudi Air Force were stationed, as well as three Turkish Air Force F-16s and the same number of French Air Force Rafales. The latter unfortunately only participated in the first week of the exercise. Moreover, our visit coincided with the biannual night photo shoot at RAF Northolt, which we therefore also visited.
In early March, 4Aviation left the continent for the second week of the exercise with two vans and was welcomed by great weather, which lasted the entire week. Several bases were visited with a very nice result.
We will publish a detailed report of this tour on this page soon.
Keep informed
Chances are that we will return to the United Kingdom for a comparable tour. If you want to be informed if we have details about this, please click the button to send us a message.