Turkey (2019) Anatolian Phoenix

Turkey 2019

Since the military coup in 2016 a lot has changed within the Turkish military. The ever popular spottersdays to the Anatolian Eagle were exercise, unfortunately, put on a hold. 4Aviation has however stayed in touch with the Turkish Air Force Public Affairs Office in Ankara to talk about the possibility for future visits. This seemed to become a reality for Anatolian Eagle in 2018, but at the very end the final confirmation was not received and we had to cancel the trip.

In 2019 we tried again and were granted a few spots to exercise Anatolian Phoenix, also at Konya Airbase. The small group who missed out on the 2018 visit was given the first chance to participate and soon the five spots were filled for a hit and run visit to Turkey.

On Tuesday 21 May five guys were meeting up at Schiphol airport around 11.00o’clock. As permission for the visit was received fairly late this tour was organised as ‘land-only’, all participants had to book their own ticket. But all had decided to take the same Pegasus flights via Istanbul to Konya. The flights went smoothly as did picking up the luggage and customs. In Konya we took a taxi to our trusted hotel in Konya centre.

We freshened up a bit and walked to the town centre for a late evening meal.