Turkey (2013)

Turkey 2013

On Tuesday 18 June a large group of aviation photographers gathered at Schiphol for the 4Aviation tour to Turkey. Since 2001, the Turkish Air Force has been organizing the Anatolian Eagle exercise at Konya AB which is located in the middle of Turkey.

On Tuesday 18 June a large group of aviation photographers gathered at Schiphol for the 4Aviation tour to Turkey. Since 2001, the Turkish Air Force has been organizing the Anatolian Eagle exercise at Konya AB which is located in the middle of Turkey. It was about time to see this exercise from close by. A total of 27 people travelled to Turkey from different locations, to spend two days at the air base. Anatolian Eagle 2013/02 brought together participants from Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Things were looking good! After a smooth flight, with a stop at Istanbul, we arrived in Konya at the combined military/civil airport. From our aircraft we could already see some fighters and our plane was parked in front of a CN235 and a Hercules. The bus was waiting for us to bring us to our nice hotel.