Russia II (2019)

Russia II 2019

A large group of aviation enthousiasts with 14 different nationalities joined 4Aviation on the visit to the 2019 edition of MAKS at Zhukovsky in Russia. The 2019 event was marked by asesome displays in brilliant weather conditions.

Additional photos; Aaron Paxton

The fifth 4Aviation tour to visit MAKS at Zhukovsky started on Wednesday 28 August 2019 for the majority. The 2019 group consisted of 46 people with 14 different nationalities and several had travelled to Russia before the main part of the group arrived. With many flying on their own on this day, only a relatively small group of people gathered at Schiphol for the Aeroflot flight to Sheremetyevo. With Aeroflot serving food and taking the check-in luggage for free we were more than happy to fly to Russia on one of their A330s.

Arrival was on time and at Sheremetyevo several others joined the party after which a coach took us to our hotel in the city of Moscow. After meeting even more people of the group in the hotel lobby the day ended after a quick meal near the hotel.

Aaron Paxton kindly provided us some photos of his visit to the media platform on Friday 30 August. This gives a good impression of the kind of photos that can be made from that facility.