The bi-annual MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon at Zhukovsky remains one of the favourite destinations of 4Aviation. At no other show in the world, this amount of Russian hardware can be seen. For this reason, a group of twelve enthusiastic photographers gathered on Tuesday 27 August 2013 for their departure to Moscow. This was the start of the third 4Aviation tour to Russia/Moscow. After an easy transfer with Lufthansa, our bus picked up the group at Vnukovo and brought them to the hotel in the Russian capital. Part of the group already paid a visit the city centre the same day.
27 August 2013
28 August 2013
29 August 2013
30 August 2013
31 August 2013
Random feedback
Het was een super trip, ik heb mij, net als de rest van de groep als ik het zo hoorde en zag, geweldig vermaakt.
Alles was weer zoals vanouds, goed geregeld, leuke groep mensen enz.
Dank weer voor de goede organisatie!
2 May 2022
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