BA 112 Reims-Champagne is home to two units equipped with the Mirage F1CR. Escadre de Reconnaissance 01.033 “Belfort” and Escadre de Reconnaissance 02.033 “Savoie” both have three Escadrons. 4Aviation was invited to the base on 17 June to photograph the based aircraft.
The day started out with blue skies and sun. First, we were brought to the end of the runway to photograph the first wave of aircraft departing. After the last aircraft left, we were brought to the other side of the base to photograph the recovery.
As the Mirages were flying a lot of missions, we had to hurry to the flightline to catch the aircraft getting ready for the second wave. After the great lunch we went back to the end of the runway for more take-off shots. Also, it was possible to photograph the Mirages on the taxi track on their way back to the flightline.
After more than seven hours on the base it was time to say goodbye. Thanks to the very friendly and cooperative guides it was a day well spent!