On Tuesday 29 October 2024, 4Aviation headed to Morocco and the Marrakech Air Show for the fifth time. Also, the first time we visited since 2016. The group consisted of eighteen participants, travelling to and from Morocco via various routes and dates. Therefore, the main group from the Netherlands only consisted of six people flying from Amsterdam on this Tuesday. These were the six that were going for quite a long visit, mainly because of somewhat affordable tickets, combined with the urge of not missing a single bit of the event (if possible).
From Schiphol, via Paris-Charles de Gaulle, the group arrived at Marrakech around 22.00. The immigration process took ages. So, it took a while before meeting another participant waiting at the airport and the taxi driver that would take us to the hotel. At the hotel, we met another participant (originating from Morocco) while two others were already there as well and in bed already. Yet another participant arrived that same evening/night.