On Friday 24 October a large group of aviation photographers gathered at Schiphol for our tour to Japan. In this case even 2 of the 3 tours that headed out to Japan at the same time. Some of the participants had to fly in from other places in Europe, and that succeeded for almost everyone. One participant missed his connection and had to fly directly to Tokyo to meet us. A smooth flight and many hours later we were at Tokyo IAP, it was Saturday 25 October by now. The vans were already waiting at us the rental company and after some formalities we were on our way. Our first stop: the stepladder specialist! A small stepladder is an absolute requirement for taking pictures in Japan (due to the high fences). Because we had a large group, we had pre-ordered the stepladders at the Homac. On our way there, we saw two Chinooks flying (apparently from Hyakuri), so we wasted no time to get there. Meanwhile, the third group had arrived in Tokyo and was on his way to Hyakuri as well. Eventually we ended up at the fence of Hyakuri with 31 4Aviation travellers on that Saturday afternoon. We were able to capture some arrivals for the static display that was in place for the military review. At the end of the day the 6 cars of the 3 groups headed for the same hotel to spend the night, meeting the last member that had arrived from Europe directly.
24/25 October 2014
26 October 2014
27 October 2014
28 October 2014
29 October 2014
30 October 2014
31 October 2014
1 November 2014
Random feedback
Fantastische spottersdag op Andravida air base! Weer TOP geregeld door 4Aviation!! I’ll be back!
22 April 2024
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