Brazil II 2024

Brazil II 2024

Exercise CRUZEX

Brazil II 2024

Cruzeiro do Sul Exercise (CRUZEX) is a multinational and operational exercise organized by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) since 2002, aimed at joint training in conflict scenarios and promoting the exchange of experiences among participating countries. The 2024 edition, took place from November 3rd to 15th at the Natal Air Base, and brought together 16 countries, more than 3.000 military personnel, and around 100 aircraft, both Brazilian and foreign.

Given the great interest in the CRUZEX exercise, we thought it would be better to divide the trip into two groups, otherwise it would have become too big and confusing. And that was a good decision.

The second tour was largely the same as the first, except that no missions were flown on Friday, although there were a few visitors that day. The biggest disappointment was the departure of both A-4s on Tuesday morning, before we arrived and they did not fly on Monday. C’est la vie!

  • Keep informed

    Chances are that we will return to Brazil for a comparable tour. If you want to be informed if we have details about this, please click the button to send us a message.